It sounds simple, but coordinating task and target achievement, appointments and dates in both your private and business environment, as well as setting priorities not only to satisfy yourself, but also supervisors and superiors is a challenge which often leads to frustration or demotivation if things do not work out as originally intended.
A Reasonable Work-Life Balance
To ensure high performance, personal satisfaction and systemic relationship satisfaction, an achievable and desirable work-life balance is a benefit directly resulting from consciously managed time and tasks. This means there are times where a business event or project task may just have to wait (of course in connection with priority setting and agreement from above). The courage to ask and the ability to recognize the need are only some of the prerequisites for achieving a balanced style of life.

Unsere Empfehlung
Self-Organisation and Time Management
This course is designed to strengthen and practice methods that participants can use to optimise their use of available time and improve their self-organisation skills. Key topics such as priority setting, task-management, self-management and target-setting will be covered. In this interactive seminar, participants will learn to create a healthy and motivating work-life-balance. Work organization and digital communication habits will be discussed and optimisation potential identified. This includes tips and tricks to organise the tasks you set for yourself as well as the ones you are given. Finally, new hybrid working environments will be covered in connection with time management and self-organization.
Training: Self-Organisation and Time Management
Common Priorities and no more Guilty Conscience
Imagine having no priority conflicts with your boss. You know how to deal with any potential priority conflicts. You have improved your argumentation and consciously realize the need for a just and realistic distribution of things on your to-do-list (please note this is singular!) or admitting to your colleagues or superior that a task has not yet been completed. They already know and agree with the changing of priorities. They understand the method of give and take. They give you the opportunity to maximize your motivation, complete your tasks and fulfil your obligations in way, which enhances your work-life balance instead of endangering it.
Competence in Dealing with the Optimal Management of Available Time and the realization of Planned Matters and Obligations, as well as Pleasures
To realize these things there are topics and techniques available to support us:
- Priority Setting: using priority setting models and taking different interests into consideration leads to a comfortable feeling in connection with priorities.
- Think of whom may be influenced or can influence your priorities while setting them!
- Task Categorization: How urgent, important and significant are the things you seem to have to do? Who has what influence on the categorization? Do individuals or organizations play a role in this connection?
- Which planned tasks influence the whole organization, or your superior or just yourself!
- Convincing Competence and Argumentation: How can I request a postponement of task achievement? What arguments count in my systemic environment for whom? How can I avoid misunderstandings and conflicts?
- Make sure to anticipate any objections or questions prior to resetting a task or target! This enables quick reactions and confidence!
- Realistic Estimation of Required Time for Accomplishing Tasks: How can I improve the estimation of time needed to complete something?
- Think of time needed in the past and try to interpolate it to the estimate now required!
- Conflicting Interests: When making appointments, planning tasks and scheduling your own personal time, there are usually others involved. How do they look at what and when I am doing or planning something?
- Turn conflicting interests into common goals by involving others!
- Durational Discipline: The both interesting and challenging mix of short-, medium- and long-term tasks often leads to the neglecting of longer-term things leading to last minute hectic. How can this be avoided?
- While fixing the duration of something required, make sure your calendar has the unplanned time even if it may be a mid- or long-term task!
On top of these, there are many, more simple matters involving organization, filing, furniture, layouts, etc. influencing our efficient usage of time.
In ever-increasing global work environments, such time wastage may even be strongly influenced by intercultural differences. Some nationalities have a different feeling in connection with time, stress and what you may call a waste of time. However, to successfully manage your time in an international environment, they also have to be taken into consideration.
The complexity of time and self-management and the focused attention it requires can substantially lead to a more positively experienced work-life balance, which not only you benefit from, but also your employer, colleagues as well as family and friends will learn to appreciate, independent of any positive effects on your well-being.