Methods and (digital) working techniques

Design Thinking

Discover the world of design thinking and how you can develop innovative solutions to complex problems. Design thinking is a creative and user-centered approach that makes it possible to take on new perspectives and generate innovative ideas. In this e-learning, you will learn how to develop an empathetic understanding of users' needs, generate ideas, create prototypes and obtain feedback. Learn how you can innovatively redesign the world around you with Design Thinking.

Learning objectives

  • They know the basic principles and mindset of Design Thinking and understand its significance for the innovation process.
  • They understand the various phases of the design thinking process as well as their methods and tools.
  • They can differentiate between the roles and tasks of the various actors in the design thinking process and evaluate their influence on project success.
  • You know how to implement Design Thinking in a corporate context.
  • They can apply the phases of the design thinking process to complex problems and explain their significance for problem solving.
1 hour 25 min
Target group description
Employees, personnel developers, trainers and managers who want to get a first insight into the Design Thinking innovation process.

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Das E-Learning „Code of thanks“ hat trotz eines hohen Informationsgehalts das Thema leicht verständlich und mit kurzweiligen Animationen vermittelt.

Thorsten Eska Copy 2
Fachexperte für Efolgsskills der Zukunft, Autor, erfolgreicher Speaker und Trainer.

Das E-Learning „Code of thanks“ hat trotz eines hohen Informationsgehalts das Thema leicht verständlich und mit kurzweiligen Animationen vermittelt.

Thorsten Eska
Fachexperte für Efolgsskills der Zukunft, Autor, erfolgreicher Speaker und Trainer.

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