Better every

The mobile dedicated line from the leading trainer
directly into the daily work of your employees.

The smart guide for future skills

sparks is the mobile solution for future skills.
Small microlearnings provide impulses for future skills such as creative thinking, successful communication or collaboration in hybrid teams.

Thanks to personalized recommendations and various, interactive formats, employees manage their continuing education themselves. In this way, they get themselves and their company ready for the future in just a few minutes a day.
For more creativity, efficiency and innovation in your company.
Book intro

Building skills as a daily routine

sparks is a tool that provides valuable impetus for action in small modules. Your employees decide for themselves when they want to develop their future skills.

Thanks to its independence of time and place and flexible formats, sparks can be easily integrated into everyday life and used regularly. The perfect conditions for self-organized learning.
In this way, sparks makes skills development part of the daily routine.

Start now.

Manuel will show you how sparks works and what advantages we can offer your company.

A spark every day.
A little better every day.

Better every day - but how?

Let's dive into the sparks world of future skills together. We'll take a look at your company together and show you how sparks can help you introduce future skills across the board.
Arrange an appointment with Manuel