Ecological Sustainability

Sustainability in Action

The corporate world is changing rapidly. In this course, you will learn how to use the drivers of sustainability in your company to stay fit for the future and make a positive impact. Learn the key principles of sustainability.

Learning objectives

  • You understand how your company can use NGOs as cooperation partners.
  • You know political institutions that influence sustainable development.
  • You know what the abbreviations CSR and LkSG stand for and what they mean for your company.
  • You know the 17 sustainability goals and the goal of limiting global warming to well below two degrees Celsius.
  • You know the nine planetary limits and how you can help to comply with them.
45 min
Target group description
Specialists and managers who want to make positive changes in their company and use the drivers of sustainability in a targeted manner.

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Das E-Learning „Code of thanks“ hat trotz eines hohen Informationsgehalts das Thema leicht verständlich und mit kurzweiligen Animationen vermittelt.

Thorsten Eska Copy 2
Fachexperte für Efolgsskills der Zukunft, Autor, erfolgreicher Speaker und Trainer.

Das E-Learning „Code of thanks“ hat trotz eines hohen Informationsgehalts das Thema leicht verständlich und mit kurzweiligen Animationen vermittelt.

Thorsten Eska
Fachexperte für Efolgsskills der Zukunft, Autor, erfolgreicher Speaker und Trainer.

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