Overcoming the future readiness gap: This is how companies become fit for the future
Why companies need to increase their speed of adaptation in times of accelerated change — and how they can do it.
Companies are constantly on the move, they must react to external influences and produce innovations. Against this background, learning is becoming increasingly important — both for the entire organization and for individual employees.
Are German companies losing touch with the future?
In August 2023, an excited items There was a big stir in the “Economist.” In what is probably the most important business magazine in the world, Germany is described as the “sick man of Europe” — once again. The magazine cites the lack of speed in the German economy in digitizing and implementing new technologies as a decisive reason for this thesis. Compared to other countries, we are reacting too slowly to change — and are thus jeopardizing our competitiveness.
Doubts about the future viability of our economy have also grown within the country in recent years. According to one Allensbach survey Half of the population believes that the Federal Republic will no longer be one of the leading economic nations in the next ten to 15 years.
I share this concern: In my opinion, the discrepancy between Speed of change of the business sector and the inadequate Adaptability of companies. I call this divide Future-readiness gap.

The current situation: Sustainability means adaptability

The expression “Survival of the Fittest” is often attributed to Charles Darwin. In fact, it comes from Herbert Spencer, who combined Darwin's considerations of natural selection with his own economic theories. Because in nature and in business, the following applies equally: Those who are better able to adapt to new conditions are successful in the long term.
The big Negative examples of lack of adaptability are present to many of us: kodak ignored digital photography for too long Toys R Us slept through trading on the Internet, and Blackberry could no longer score points in a world of touchscreen smartphones with its once so popular keyboard. But there are always companies that prove that there is another way! netflix For example, it began as an offline video store, but recognized the signs of the times and the potential of streaming in good time. Hardly any of the former competitors are still on the market. Netflix, on the other hand, has become one of the most valuable entertainment companies in the world.
We too at the Haufe Academy have already felt how brutally change can affect a company. With the corona pandemic, our most important business segment at the time came to a complete standstill. The global situation initially made face-to-face seminars impossible and as a result significantly less attractive for companies and employees. In contrast to some of our competitors, we took advantage of this change and were even able to benefit from it because we Responds quickly and consistently on Live online seminars have switched over.
The stories of companies that have failed as a result of these massive, disruptive changes usually only mention a few company names, such as Kodak. It is lost sight of the fact that this failure is not the exception of a few. Quite the opposite. We have absolutely no idea how large (and growing) the number of companies is, which year after year disappear into obscuritybecause they react too slowly to change. Or from companies that have been successful for decades because they have adapted again and again.
The ability to continuously adapt to change, distinguishes sustainably successful companies from those that disappear at some point. In a time of accelerated change, this insight is particularly important. Can we continue to afford the blind spot of ignoring? I don't think so. Instead, we need success stories that invite people to imitate: stories of companies, of courageous decision makers who successfully manage their companies because they have adapted again and again.
A phase of accelerated change

Change is a constant, both in nature and in business. But there are always phases in which this change is taking place particularly rapidly. We are currently in such a phase of accelerated change. Yourself at unprecedented speed evolving technologies, such as artificial intelligence, threaten business models in entire industries and create new ones. Pushing ever faster new competitors into a globalized market. And Policrisen create additional challenges for companies — from unstable supply chains to ESG requirements and prudent buying behavior among end consumers. Since the end of the corona pandemic, we have also seen fundamental changes in everyday working life, which require the development of new skills across the board.
Studies such as Accenture Pulse of Change Index confirm that the rate of change is increasing exponentially. With the index, the consulting firm analyses how much the business environment of companies is changing from year to year. It shows that The pace of change has significantly accelerated in recent years has. The pandemic, geopolitical crises, skills shortages and new technologies were among the biggest drivers of acceleration in the past year. Business leaders expect a further acceleration of change in 2024.
The problem: Can our companies keep up with the pace?
Accelerating change is a challenge. However, for companies that can keep up with the pace, it also offers immense opportunityn. I think that many people are currently doubting the future viability of German companies because they feel that they are having difficulty adapting to accelerated change. According to one VDI study Less than a third of the population agree that Germany is particularly fast compared to other countries and brings new technologies to market quickly.
Even in personal discussions with decision makers, I realize again and again that these difficulties are real. I regularly hear sentences like this: “Why does it take so long for us to respond broadly to changes? ““Why don't we get new technologies up and running faster? ““Why is it so difficult for us to develop innovations and bring them to market?” “How do I manage continuing education if I don't even know which skills will be needed in the future? ”
In my opinion, these difficulties in dealing with change are all an expression of a lack of ability to adapt. In concrete terms, this means:
- The ability to adapt: To do this, organizations must enable employees to have quick and very individual access to new relevant topics.
- The ability to transform: To this end, organizations must enable expertise from their own organization and impulses from outside to reach all areas of the organization through an appropriate network density.
- The ability to innovate: To do this, organizations must enable employees to work together optimally through horizontal competencies (so-called future skills) and to create something new through the right vertical expertise (specialization)
Companies must start at these three points when they more adaptable become and as a result sustainably competitive want to be.

The solution: L&D and technology can turn change into a competitive advantage
But: How does that work? How do companies build up these capabilities and thus increase their speed of adaptation? I am convinced that L&D plays an important role in this and that technology is a decisive key. New technologies are not only a cause of accelerated change, but also a means of dealing with it better.
The transformative influence of technology on our everyday private lives has long been a matter of course. It determines how we communicate with our friends, how we organize our household, how we pursue our personal interests and how we can be entertained within the family circle. Companies can also use these paradigms and advantages of well-known digital platforms in their L&D processes and offerings. What's more: If these offers are accepted by employees and are thus to lead to a lasting improvement in adaptability, they must do so.

This would allow employees to
- Find suitable content as easily as on YouTube and thus combine efficiency and immediate willingness to act. Share or consume relevant information as easily as on Instagram and thus combine rapid experiences of success and personalization.
- To create communities of interest as easily as on teams or Facebook and thus combine imminent issues with existing problem-solving expertise within the company.
- Share knowledge and expertise with many users as easily as on WhatsApp, combining speed and scalability.
Accelerated change is a reality. We must stop turning a blind eye to this reality out of fear — and instead make sure that our companies Go with the pace Can. With contemporary L&D and more meaningful use of technology Can the future readiness gap be closed sustainably and Transforming into a competitive advantage become.