Artificial intelligence and data

AI in various business areas an overview

Artificial intelligence (AI) offers great potential for many areas of business: It supports the selection of applicants, increases the efficiency of supply chains and optimizes accounting and innovation processes. Get an initial overview of how AI is advancing and sustainably changing personnel management, logistics, controlling and research and development.

Learning objectives

  • They can name and describe possible uses of AI in various business areas (personnel, logistics, controlling, research and development).
  • They can explain the benefits and potential challenges of using AI in individual business areas.
50 min
Target group description
Specialists and managers who would like to get a general overview of possible areas of application of artificial intelligence in order to develop an idea for the range of ways to use AI in selected business areas of a company.

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Das E-Learning „Code of thanks“ hat trotz eines hohen Informationsgehalts das Thema leicht verständlich und mit kurzweiligen Animationen vermittelt.

Thorsten Eska Copy 2
Fachexperte für Efolgsskills der Zukunft, Autor, erfolgreicher Speaker und Trainer.

Das E-Learning „Code of thanks“ hat trotz eines hohen Informationsgehalts das Thema leicht verständlich und mit kurzweiligen Animationen vermittelt.

Thorsten Eska
Fachexperte für Efolgsskills der Zukunft, Autor, erfolgreicher Speaker und Trainer.

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