Presentation and moderation

How to improve team meetings

Turn your team meetings into productive experiences! Learn how to plan, design, and manage meetings to achieve maximum effectiveness and sustainability. Discover the key role of the moderator and learn how every participant can actively contribute to the success of the meeting.

Learning objectives

  • They know why it is important to define the goal, topic and course of the meeting in advance.
  • They understand the importance of getting started and ending a meeting to be successful.
  • You use your moderation skills profitably.
  • You further optimize good meetings yourself.
  • You know how to deal with disruptions in a meeting.
55 min
Target group description
Managers who want to make and manage team meetings more effectively and sustainably.

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Das E-Learning „Code of thanks“ hat trotz eines hohen Informationsgehalts das Thema leicht verständlich und mit kurzweiligen Animationen vermittelt.

Thorsten Eska Copy 2
Fachexperte für Efolgsskills der Zukunft, Autor, erfolgreicher Speaker und Trainer.

Das E-Learning „Code of thanks“ hat trotz eines hohen Informationsgehalts das Thema leicht verständlich und mit kurzweiligen Animationen vermittelt.

Thorsten Eska
Fachexperte für Efolgsskills der Zukunft, Autor, erfolgreicher Speaker und Trainer.

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