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Dive into the world of future skills now and test sparks for your teams. Exciting micro-learnings from our areas of Innovation & Change, Hybrid Teams and AI for Everyone await you.

Fülle einfach das Formular aus und Manuel wird sich bei dir melden. Zusammen schaut ihr welchen Mehrwert sparks für euer Unternehmen hat und besprecht die nächsten Schritte. Damit kannst du das Beste aus deiner anschließenden Testphase herausholen und hast auch direkt einen persönlichen Ansprechpartner bei der Haufe Akademie.

Try out sparks and get a little better every day

Here's what you can look forward to:
  • Orientation:
    Personalized recommendations based on your chosen skills every day

  • Wide range of formats:
    Audio, video or interactive — you get the right format for every situation

  • Success habits:
    sparks is easy to integrate into everyday life, just a few minutes a day are enough

  • For all devices:
    Desktop, tablet or smartphone — there's something for you.

And it's as simple as that:
  • Submit form

  • You will receive an email with all information and a link to register

  • Create your personal user account

  • Let's go: You can use sparks!

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