Your questions.
Our answers.

What is sparks?

sparks is the mobile solution for future skills. Small microlearnings, so-called sparks, provide impulses for future skills such as creative thinking, successful communication or collaboration in hybrid teams.

Who needs sparks?

sparks is available to all organizations that want to make their employees fit for the future. sparks is all about teaching future skills, i.e. we equip your teams with the skills they need for the future world of work.

What is the minimum number of learners required?

There is no minimum number and no upper limit. Whether small teams of five people or entire companies. sparks is available for all organizations. However, there are currently no individual booking offers.

What formats are there?

Your employees can access various formats. These are optimized for easy integration into everyday working life and your employees can decide which formats they want to use to achieve their development goals - whether with exciting videos, interactively or on the go via audio. The formats follow the microlearning approach and can therefore be easily integrated into everyday life.

Is there a confirmation of participation at the end of a Smart Guide?

No confirmation of participation is currently planned for sparks.

How long does a spark last?

sparks takes a microlearning approach. This means that individual sparks last between one minute for precisely to the point and action-oriented expert videos, up to 15 minutes for mini podcasts that use storytelling to transform complex specialist topics into vivid and transferable scenarios. With these interactive formats, the relevant skills can be continuously built up in an average of five to ten minutes.

What languages is sparks available in?

Soon sparks will also be available in an English language version. Get in touch now and let us inform you when it starts.

How do I have to use sparks for it to work?

Three sparks are suggested to your employees every day - depending on their personal preferences and learning behavior. This approach provides your teams with guidance.

How can I see how my teams are using sparks?

We offer you a dashboard where you can see, for example, how often and for how long your employees use sparks. You can also see which topics are trending among your employees. Important: The data is provided in aggregated form at team level.

How is Sparks deployed?

sparks is available as a progressive web app (PWA) and can therefore be used conveniently on various end devices, directly from the desktop or home screen. Be it smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop PC. There is something for all employees.

Where is the data stored?

The data is hosted exclusively in Germany.

How do I access sparks?

Your employees can simply register and log in in their browser. Access is also possible via single sign-on (SSO).

Registration doesn't work, what can I do?

3 tipps for your registration:

  1. Check whether you are using your business e-mail address.
  2. Does your password comply with the security regulations: upper and lower case letters, numbers, special characters, at least 8 characters?
  3. If you do not receive the email with the access code, check your spam folder.
  4. If your company is connected via single sign-on (SSO), make sure that you log in with the e-mail address you use for SSO.
The login doesn't work, what can I do?

Make sure that you use your business e-mail address or the e-mail address used for single sign-on. If you can no longer remember your password, simply reset it under "Forgot password".

How can I recover my password?

Can't remember your password?No problem, it happens to the best of us! ;)Just click on "Forgot password" and follow the instructions.

How can I contribute ideas for sparks?

Click on "Give us feedback" under your profile - we look forward to hearing from you!

I've found an error, what can I do?

Is something not working on your device or have you noticed another error? We would be delighted if you could pass the error on to us. Simply click on "Give us feedback" under your profile.

How can I invite new employees to sparks?

Contact us if you would like to invite other employees to sparks.

How can I track my employees' usage of sparks?

On your analytics dashboard you can see, among other things, how often and intensively your employees use sparks, which goals they are dedicated to and how many sparks have already been completed.Important: We only aggregate the data at team level.

I need more licenses How do I go about it?

Please get in touch with us at or send us an inquiry using the contact form.

What happens if Sparks is unavailable?

If sparks is unavailable for foreseeable reasons, such as maintenance work, we will inform you and your employees in advance. If unexpected outages occur, you can contact us at

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Hier zeigen wir dir, wie sparks funktioniert und wie deine Mitarbeitenden in Zukunft "täglich etwas besser" werden.