Frequently asked questions

What is a Learning Experience Platform (LXP)?

A learning experience platform (LXP) is a technology that focuses on learners and their needs. Learners find exactly the content that is relevant to them and their daily work. Artificial intelligence supports them by offering suggestions based on their personal profile and individual role. Learning content can be aggregated from various internal and external sources. User-generated content plays an important role, as it makes existing skills in the company visible and ensures mutual learning. An LXP is an essential component of contemporary and modern personnel development that relies on self-directed learning.

Who needs a Learning Experience Platform (LXP)?

All companies and organizations that want to take their personnel development one step further. With an LXP, they say goodbye to “learning prescribed from above” and rely on self-directed, individual competence enhancement of all their employees. Haufe's LXP provides the technological framework for this. It supports HR in institutionalizing cultural change in learning.

From what size of company is Haufe Academie's LXP worthwhile?

Experience has shown that our LXP develops its full potential from a company size of around 1,000 employees. But an LXP can also be a useful investment for smaller companies. Talk to us!

Can the Haufe Academie's LXP also be used as a learning platform outside the organization, e.g. for customers?

Yes, our LXP can also be used as a learning platform for third parties and is already being used for this purpose by some of our customers. As an on-demand learning solution, it makes it possible, for example, to train customers and retailers about products and new offerings.

Tracking compliance training is important. How does it work without having two systems in the company?

Tracking compliance training is a classic task of a learning management or compliance system. Our learning experience platform has no such feature. If you would also like to provide compliance training, we offer you a combination of our LXP and our LMS. This allows you to combine functionalities from both platforms and benefit from a fully integrated learning ecosystem.

Is Haufe Academie's LXP compatible with all LMS?

Basically yes. We offer various integration options. Through an interface of your LMS, via an interface from our LXP or, in the case of an outdated LMS, by way of a file storage on a secure server. We would be happy to advise you personally.

Does it make sense to implement LXP without having an LMS?

Yes, definitely. In principle, however, this depends on your goals, which you want to pursue by using our LXP. Let us discuss your application in person.

Are there best practices from companies that are already using LXP?

Yes, we have several best practices. The starting points and main goals for using our LXP varied — from creating a digital learning culture, through the requirement of self-directed learning, to using our LXP as a concrete tool in the context of digital transformation. We would love to tell you more about that.

Is there also a history of when which employees did what?

Employees can view their history themselves in their personal profile. For HR, an anonymized form, in the sense of a consolidated reporting/analytics dashboard, can be viewed. For data protection reasons in the interests of your works council, a personalized evaluation is not possible as standard and also contradicts the actual goals of an LXP - self-directed, autonomous - and simply not “supervised” - learning.

What experience is there in companies with many employees without PC access?

Our LXP is browser-based and responsive. This means that it dynamically adapts to the respective display size. Regardless of whether it's a large desk monitor or an iPhone mini. In addition, our learning experience platform can also be installed as an app.

This proves to be an advantage especially when learning content should also reach employees who do not have a PC workstation. With the help of your identity provider, your IT controls how and via which devices learners can access. With two-factor authentication, access is always secure.

Can I integrate e-learning into LXP?

In principle, yes. However, the term e-learning or web-based training (WBT) is often understood differently. Basically, any form of digital learning is to be understood as e-learning. This often refers to special course formats that are based on learning management systems. Depending on the structure, complexity and timeliness of the format, content can be displayed in different ways in our LXP. We therefore offer you flexible integration options for your existing learning system or content repositories.

Are there any gamification options?

Gamification elements, such as progress indicators for self-created content and learning achievements, collecting points for specific activities (learning path, creating content, etc.) are currently gradually finding their way into our LXP. We are working on various scenarios that inspire learners to self-directed learning beyond intrinsic motivation.

What is a learning ecosystem?

A learning ecosystem is a holistic, dynamic and interdependent system. It consists of all the elements that make up professional learning in a company. Elements of a learning ecosystem can include, for example, the following: learning sources, learning groups, digital platforms, learning management systems (LMS), trainings, learning formats, services, rooms, topics, learning culture, and content. You can find even more information about this in unserem Blog-Beitrag.

What are learning paths at Haufe Akademie's LXP?

Learning paths guide learners through their very personal learning journeys. They consist of learning content from various sources and in various learning formats and enable more effective learning in accordance with the 70-20-10 model. Learning paths are based on individual learning needs as well as on the company's strategic goals: Very simple and clear on one page: in our LXP.

What makes Haufe and Haufe Akademie outstanding as providers of a learning experience platform?

At Haufe, we are convinced that it is the people in a company who make sustainable success and competitiveness possible. As a provider of integrated corporate and workplace solutions, we therefore place employees at the center of entrepreneurial thinking and action. With this basic philosophy, we develop our unique range of software, content, continuing education and consulting, which helps people to make a lasting contribution to the company's success with their knowledge and skills.

The Haufe Akademie is the leading provider of qualification and development for people and companies in German-speaking countries. Tailored solutions, unique services and the highest level of consulting expertise simplify the acquisition of skills and facilitate sustainable developments.

This combination of continuing education and software expertise sets us apart as a provider of a learning experience platform. They get everything from a single source: learning platforms, learning content, trainings, eBooks and support in creating their company-specific content — without time-consuming handling from various providers.

Is LXP developed in-house by Haufe Akademie?

Yes, we developed our learning experience platform ourselves. For the technological setup, we use proven standards and modern technology and work closely with other Haufe software areas.

What is included as standard in the Haufe Akademie LXP?

Our LXP includes all elements as standard to provide your employees with a comprehensive learning experience:

  • An intelligent search, supported by category & metadata management, which offers employees information, learning nuggets, learning paths, learning journeys, events and more based on their interests or skills.
  • The opportunity to collaborate with other employees.
  • And a low-threshold opportunity to share your own knowledge and make it available to the entire organization.

You can use the prominently placed banners on the homepage to point out special content or promotions. Additional features such as gamification elements, challenges, guided mentoring programs and reward elements are already available or will be implemented shortly. Optionally, you have the option of using the Learning Experience Platform with your personal selection of over 2,800 microlearning components from the Content Kit to fill the Haufe Akademie. We also take maintenance, hosting in Germany, regular cloud-controlled updates and new features or enhancements to existing features as a matter of course.

Does the LXP serve as a type of search medium through which individual internal offers can be selected?

Functionality as a central search medium is a fundamental component of a successful learning experience platform. Our LXP acts as an aggregator of all learning content and units and ensures access to the appropriate learning offerings via an intelligent search.

Do you also offer implementation coaching?

Yes, we will provide you with professional support and advice as part of an implementation process. In doing so, you benefit from our many years of experience in continuing education and software and can draw on our established standards. We would be happy to discuss the implementation process with you personally.

Do groups and events have to be created by the admin or can every employee do this themselves?

Every employee can do this themselves. In addition, our LXP can “use” other systems via interface/API and thus make the content searchable and displayed at a central location.

How do event informations get into the LXP?

Events can either be created and controlled by users themselves and additionally (or exclusively) synchronized from one or more other sources.

What are the legal aspects, e.g. if content from external sources (YouTube, etc.) is integrated?

No worries! We don't “copy” the content, but display external sources such as YouTube and Vimeo within our LXP. The content itself does not leave the original platform.

Did you know: YouTube offers the option of setting for each video whether it can be embedded or not. Our LXP does not violate this setting, of course.

How is the Learning Experience Platform being introduced?

The introduction of an LXP is not a project with a start and end point, but a development of the learning culture towards self-directed learning.

During implementation, the system is set up and — in most cases — pre-filled with content. In addition, we help you to make the platform known internally and to enable the organization to use our — or better: your — LXP in a value-adding way, in the long term and successfully. With the help of an introductory process based on the added value of employees, a few targeted impulses are often enough to get the ball rolling.

How is it decided which content from Vimeo, YouTube and Co. is relevant to the organization?

In terms of self-directed learning, the LXP provides that every user can load and/or link content into the system at any time. There are currently no barriers, but content can be reported by all users. This allows your administrators and curators to review and, if necessary, remove content at any time.

The role and rights concept also allows you to define that only selected people can post new content. However, we generally do not recommend this procedure, as this contradicts the basic idea of an LXP.

How are users and authorizations set up?

Users are set up directly in the LXP. This is also where you manage the rights and roles concept. In addition, our learning experience platform has single sign-on functionalities.

Is an LMS required for Haufe Akademie's LXP to work?

No, an LMS is not a requirement for our LXP. If you wish, a connection to an LMS (e.g. the LMS of Haufe Akademie) is possible, if there is a technical interface.

What content can Haufe and Haufe Akademie themselves make available on the platform?

We offer you various content packages that you can book directly. These include, for example, micro-learnings, e-learnings, learning journeys, and eBooks. In addition, you can carry out a content sprint together with our experts and your employees. In a short period of time, this creates content that summarizes your company-specific knowledge and makes it available to the entire organization. The focus is on topics that affect the working world of tomorrow — from compliance and sustainability to design thinking, rhetoric, leadership or project management to key digital competencies.

Is Haufe Akademie's LXP easy to integrate into existing systems?

Our LXP is based on a microservice architecture and has various interfaces (Rest API). In this way, we enable a wide variety of integrations. You can import, synchronize, and export data in aggregate.

Sample scenarios:

  • The LXP accesses the course catalog of your learning management system and automatically synchronizes the data.
  • They manage events via Eventbrite and “send” the data directly to LXP.
  • When creating content, royalty-free preview/featured images are automatically suggested.
Is the Learning Experience Platform browser-based?

Yes, our LXP is browser-based, responsive and accessible on all modern devices. From a large monitor on a desk to an iPhone mini, we make sure that all functions are available. The solution can also be installed as an app for convenient access to learning content and notifications.

Does LXP offer single sign-on?

Yes, our LXP supports OpenID Connect and SAML industry standards. User data reconciliation is optional, but not necessary. Users can also be generated on-the-fly.

Where is the platform hosted?

We host exclusively through our partner Amazon Web Services in Frankfurt. We therefore comply with German data protection standards. With the help of CloudFron — a content delivery network — we guarantee secure and high transfer speeds.

What security and data protection certificates does LXP have?

The development and hosting site and all persons involved who could have access to sensitive data are ISO27001 certified. Every access is logged and regularly monitored.

Are Haufe and the platform GDPR-compliant?

Yes Contracts are concluded in accordance with Article 28 GDPR via order data processing.

The application is hosted in an Amazon Web Services data center. There is a contract with this service provider in accordance with Art. 28 GDPR for order data processing. This company has the following certifications, among others:

  • + ISO/IEC 27001
  • + ISO/IEC 27018
  • + SOC 2

Amazon Web Services is exclusively a hosting service provider. The application is operated by the Haufe Group.

Get advice

Anne Müller, Lena Kaster
and their team will be happy to advise you