Methods and (digital) working techniques

Designing effective Blended Learning

Blended learning combines face-to-face and digital learning units for maximum learning success. Learn how to develop effective blended learning concepts step by step.

Learning objectives

  • Understand what blended learning is and know its added value and potential uses.
  • Develop a sustainable blended learning concept in 10 steps.
  • Observe the framework conditions when designing.
  • Derive learning objectives from the project goal and define them.
  • Design learning modules and understand when which learning format makes sense.
3 h 20 min
Target group description
Personnel developers, HR managers, trainers, lecturers and trainers who introduce blended learning, test learning methods or are entrusted with consulting, implementation or optimization.

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Das E-Learning „Code of thanks“ hat trotz eines hohen Informationsgehalts das Thema leicht verständlich und mit kurzweiligen Animationen vermittelt.

Thorsten Eska Copy 2
Fachexperte für Efolgsskills der Zukunft, Autor, erfolgreicher Speaker und Trainer.

Das E-Learning „Code of thanks“ hat trotz eines hohen Informationsgehalts das Thema leicht verständlich und mit kurzweiligen Animationen vermittelt.

Thorsten Eska
Fachexperte für Efolgsskills der Zukunft, Autor, erfolgreicher Speaker und Trainer.

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