For change enthusiasts

Transformation Ability

Change requires expertise and transparency


... more & more different


This is Germany's position in terms of digital competitiveness compared to the G7. Almost the rear light.

(Digital Riser Report 2021)


The interviewees believe that digital transformation is the solution for Germany's future.

(Digital Report 2023)

> 70%

All transformation projects fail. There are many reasons for this.

(New Management Portal)


of employees state that they would like more communication about your company's digitization strategy and its implementation.


Status Quo

Everything new - everything different

Transformation is holistic. Realigning a company, shaping change and changing yourself cannot be a straightforward project with a clear start or end. Transformation is happening continuously in many small and larger projects, all of which have their own change theme. New processes, new habits, new tasks and of course: new know-how.

The challenge: Maintain an overview. Bring the individual activities in a common direction.
And very important: Enabling employees to keep pace, to follow the change and to see themselves as part of the whole.

In short, we need Transformation Ability. How can this be achieved with LXP? Let's show you...

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Alignment: How do I ensure that the individual transformation activities fit together?

First of all: By being known. When managers and employees from transformation projects are visible and accessible, exchange is possible: sharing ideas and findings, coordinating, learning from and with each other and avoiding mistakes that have already been made.


Performance Support: How do I get questioners to find an answer or an answerer?

Everything new. Everything is different. And lots of question marks. Regardless of whether it is an acute problem or the desire to develop new competencies and abilities. Employees must be able to access the information and expertise they need to keep pace with transformation.


Communication: How do I keep employees up to date?

Spark enthusiasm, develop a vision and bring it to life through regular communication. Transparency and openness create clarity for each individual and illustrate the importance. Updates on strategy, projects, progress, challenges, etc. show that the transformation is here to stay.

Everything in one place Connected.

The LXP as a single point of transformation knowledge

Transformation Ability — being ready and able for change

Many transformation projects fail because one hand doesn't know what the other is doing. While the strategy is being discussed by top management, people are scrambling at operational level as to how a new tool can best be integrated into existing processes. When decisive knowledge is missing, there is also a lack of clarity.
Organization charts, circulars and a few intranet articles are a start, but there are rarely central points of contact where participants can obtain information on their own and provide an overview on a personal basis.

The complexity of the projects often overwhelms those involved. The motivation to keep getting involved is close to zero.
It's no wonder.

The solution

Create a “single point of transformation knowledge” with our LXP, where all information on ongoing transformation topics and projects is brought together. Help your employees keep track of things, keep pace with the transformation and above all: find joy in everything new.

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See Transformation Ability in action — with our LXP

The Haufe Akademie Learning Experience Platform creates know-how and transparency for your transformation.

Employees and teams keep track of the status of the transformation and the individual associated projects. They feel that they are transparently informed, well integrated and involved.

Transformation teams working on similar topics are networked, work results visible and synergies created. In this way, the individual initiatives gain speed, work towards a common goal and benefit from each other.

Each individual employee keeps pace with the transformation, is able to obtain information, train and help shape it themselves.

In the end, by taking action themselves, sharing their know-how, continuing their education as needed and contributing their ideas, employees experience and shape the transformation — instead of just enduring it.

See LXP in action

Get advice

Anne Müller, Lena Kaster
and their team will be happy to advise you