Training in English

Working with the Works Council

Introduction for Line Managers and HR

Multinational organisations are frequently organised along matrix structures with a cross-border centralised HR team. For the correct management of the employees in Germany, the HR Managers must be familiar with the German labor law. In fact, the first meeting with works councils can be confusing and a painful and costly experience. In this seminar you will receive an introduction and a substantial overview of the participation of the works council in German companies.



  • Sources of employment law - plus similarities and key differences compared to common law jurisdictions.
  • Cultural differences in interpersonal relations.
  • The German corporate structure and its impact on the management function.
  • Key players: trade unions, works councils and employer associations.

Working with the Works Council on staff/HR matters

  • Information, consultation and co-determination.
  • Representation of executives within corporates.
  • Works council involvement throughout the lifecycle of the employment relationship.
  • Role of works council agreements.
  • Role of collective bargaining agreements.

Works Council Agreements

  • Form requirements.
  • Relationship between employment contract and works council agreement.
  • Favourability principle (Günstigkeitsprinzip).
  • Collective bargainig agreement: flexibility clauses (Öffnungsklauseln).
  • Ad hoc informal arrangements with the works council (Regelungsabreden).
  • Custom and practice.
  • Co-determination rights of the works council – the catalogue of section 87 of the Works Constitution Act (§ 87 BetrVG).
  • Conciliation process (Einigungsstellenverfahren).

Practical examples

  • Case study: Collective redundancies and the role of the works council.
  • Negotiating a social plan (Sozialplan) and balancing of interests agreement (Interessenausgleich).
  • Case study: Outsourcing as a “change to the business” (Betriebsänderung).

Expiry date of Works Council Agreements

  • Changing works council agreements.
  • Terminating works council agreements and consequences.
  • Continuation of terms of works council agreements beyond the termination date (Nachwirkung).
  • Works council agreements and M&A.

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This seminar will help you

  • to identify and understand the level of German works council participation,
  • to identify typical conflict areas between management and works council, and
  • to prevent costly mistakes for your business.

This is a one-day course delivered by a team of two of our experienced trainers.

The course language is English and all course material will be provided in English. No prior knowledge of German employment law is required.



Lecture, practical case studies, group exercises, discussion, exchange of participants' experiences

Who should attend

Non-German-speaking HR managers with personnel responsibility in Germany, but without or little prior knowledge of German employment law and human resources

Open Badges - Show what you can do digitally too.

Open Badges are recognised, digital certificates of participation. These verifiable credentials are the current standard for integration in career networks such as LinkedIn. With them, you digitally demonstrate the competences you possess. After successful completion, you will receive an Open Badge from us.

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Seminar Reviews of „Working with the Works Council“

5 of 5
by 1 review
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On-site training together
Booking number
€ 920,- plus VAT
1 day
in München
on 18.11.2024
In-person trainings
Joint online training
Booking number
€ 920,- plus VAT
1 day
2 Events
Live online events
Exclusively for your employees
Pricing upon request
  • Demand-oriented adaptations possible
  • On-site or live online for multiple employees
  • Save time and travelling expenses
1 day
In-person or Online

This seminar is available as part of course:

Quer- und Wiedereinstieg ins Controlling - Lehrgang MEDIUM

Start dates and details

  Select time period
0 events
Booking number: 33474
€ 920,- excl. VAT
€ 1.094,80 incl. VAT
Technical notes
We use various software to conduct our online events.
Days & Times
1 day

Monday, 12.08.2024

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Booking number: 30569
€ 920,- excl. VAT
€ 1.094,80 incl. VAT
Holiday Inn Unterhaching
Holiday Inn Unterhaching
Inselkammerstraße 7-9, 82008 München
Room rate starting from € 140,01 incl. VAT
Arrival via Deutsche Bahn
Train tickets to this event starting at € 51,90.
Days & Times
1 day

Monday, 18.11.2024

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Fee includes

Die angegebene Teilnahmegebühr beinhaltet

  • ein gemeinsames Mittagessen pro vollem Seminartag,
  • Pausenverpflegung und
  • umfangreiche Arbeitsunterlagen.

Die Übernachtungskosten im Hotel werden vom Teilnehmer direkt mit dem Hotel abgerechnet. Für die Hotelbuchung finden Sie in Ihrer Lernumgebung ein Reservierungsformular.

Booking number: 33474
€ 920,- excl. VAT
€ 1.094,80 incl. VAT
Technical notes
We use various software to conduct our online events.
Days & Times
1 day

Tuesday, 11.03.2025

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Sufficient places are still free.
Don´t wait too long to book.
Fully booked.
The next booking ensures this course will take place
Booking number: 30569
€ 920,- excl. VAT
€ 1.094,80 incl. VAT
1 day
Fee includes

Die angegebene Teilnahmegebühr beinhaltet

  • ein gemeinsames Mittagessen pro vollem Seminartag,
  • Pausenverpflegung und
  • umfangreiche Arbeitsunterlagen.

Die Übernachtungskosten im Hotel werden vom Teilnehmer direkt mit dem Hotel abgerechnet. Für die Hotelbuchung finden Sie in Ihrer Lernumgebung ein Reservierungsformular.

Booking number: 33474
€ 920,- excl. VAT
€ 1.094,80 incl. VAT
1 day
Book later
You are welcome to make a non-binding advance reservation.
No suitable date?
You are welcome to be notified by e-mail as soon as new dates are released.
Also bookable as in-house training
demand-oriented adaptations possible
on-site or live online for multiple employees
save time and travelling expenses
Please note: We use third-party tools for selected events. Personal data of the participant will be passed on to them for the implementation of the training offer. You can find more information in our privacy policy.
In the event that Miro is used, you may voluntarily register with Miro for enhanced functionality and thus an optimal learning experience. Information on data processing can be found in the Miro privacy policy.
In the event that ChatGPT is used, please refer to OpenAI's privacy policy.

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2.300 Weiterbildungen
510.300 Lerner:innen pro Jahr
Über 95% positive Bewertungen
Über 2.000 Trainer:innen und Coach:innen
14.200 durchgeführte Trainings pro Jahr
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Stephanie Göpfert

Head of Customer Service

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