Develop digital skills

Did you know?

Building future-relevant digital skills is a must

All jobs in Europe require basic digital skills.
People in Germany find that too little attention is paid to digitization.
3.8 million
People must be trained to acquire digital skills.
Your challenge

Train digital skills in companies?

The competitiveness of many companies is at stake, while the pace of change in the market — driven by new technologies — is rapidly increasing. But the lack of digital skills that make it possible to effectively understand, apply and integrate new technologies into a business model is a growing problem.

Traditional learning methods and training often prove to be too slow and not flexible enough. Your employees need a system that picks them up where they currently are, provides them with the necessary digital skills and helps them develop strong digital self-confidence. How can you make this process efficient and sustainable?
Our solution

Develop digital skills dynamically and practically with LXP

The Learning Experience Platform (LXP) is the ideal solution for building digital skills efficiently and sustainably. It integrates learning into everyday work and helps your employees develop digital skills at their own pace and in line with their individual needs.

Learn digital skills “on the fly” with LXP

User-generated content: Employees can create and share their own videos, audios and texts, which promotes the exchange of knowledge and anchors learning in practice. By creating learning content directly within the team, not only the knowledge but also the self-confidence of employees to actively participate in the digital transformation is strengthened.
Personalized learning paths and the intelligent recommender ensure that every employee receives exactly the learning content that is tailored to their specific needs and learning goals. This enables your employees to receive targeted training and stay up to date with the latest digital developments — without wasting time through inappropriate learning content.

An insight into the features of LXP

Usability & user experience

Personalization through an intelligent recommender: Learning in a nutshell

Our platform uses an intelligent recommender that generates personalized learning suggestions based on individual interests and previous use of your employees. This algorithm helps to respond specifically to the needs of each individual and to provide content that optimally supports the learning process.
Usability & user experience

High user orientation through personalization functions: Design individual learning paths

By being able to create a personal profile and follow topics, your employees can prioritize learning content and knowledge specifically according to their needs. Employees can share their expertise and connect more easily, resulting in a more productive exchange of knowledge.
Usability & user experience

Seamless integration of external content and content libraries

With LXP's content aggregation function, your employees have access to a comprehensive pool of learning resources. External content and content libraries can be seamlessly integrated with existing learning offerings, so your teams always have access to the latest and most relevant information. This variety of resources enables your employees to constantly develop their digital skills at the cutting edge and to react flexibly to new challenges.

More features

Groups & collaborative learning
Deeper learning processes through interaction and exchange
Content Studio
Collections: Easy organization and curation of knowledge modules
All features of LXP


The Learning Experience Platform offers the ideal solution to sustainably build digital capabilities in your company. It enables your employees to personalize learning content, create learning resources, and learn together, creating a profound understanding of digital technologies. With LXP, you close the future readiness gap and make your company competitive for the future — by giving your employees the tools to keep pace with rapid technological development.
More about LXP
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