For knowledge appraisers

Knowledge Mobility

Knowing what's going to be important

Did you know?

That is why knowledge is a critical success factor...

9.0 h

On average, searching for knowledge and relevant information costs us weekly. That is over 20% of working time.

(McKinsey: Social Economy)


Companies see a clear connection between successful use of know-how and increasing innovation and competitiveness.

(Haufe Goup/MIFM Munich)


of the interviewees consider knowledge to be an important/very important success factor for companies. However, providing knowledge consistently is a challenge.

(Haufe Goup/MIFM Munich)


stated that much or even all of the information would be lost if they left the company immediately without handing it over.

(Statista: Knowledge Management in SMEs)

Status Quo

If companies knew what they know

Knowledge is becoming obsolete faster than ever before. Know-how is a key success factor for companies. Without the specific know-how, competitive advantages are lost and innovations stagnate.

The challenge: making knowledge usable, enriching and moving. Tomorrow's innovations and solutions require the limitless exchange of knowledge — and Knowledge Mobility with LXP enables just that!

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Where can I find relevant information?

Knowledge only works when it is captured, organized, found and passed on. Strategic mechanisms and the appropriate technology ensure that everything comes together at the moment of need. Give your knowledge a home — investing in technology pays off!


Who is responsible for the knowledge and information?

Unclear responsibilities and a lack of knowledge management strategy in place result in a lack of visibility of highly relevant topics and experts. Make knowledge transfer the task of every single employee!


How is knowledge maintained?

Without an agile knowledge and learning culture, there is no exchange and incentive to share, use, learn new things and develop further. Empower your employees and create a knowledge mobility culture!

Knowledge in motion

The LXP as a driver for knowledge mobility

Knowledge mobility makes knowledge move

How? Through joint forward thinking and contact with the world. Through know-how that is accessible and usable by everyone. Because knowledge is constantly changing and does not grow in the archive, but only through active exchange. Traditional knowledge management, which focuses on storing in-house know-how, is no longer sufficient to remain adaptable and up to date.

The solution

Create a culture of ritualized knowledge exchange and space for inspiration & innovation with our LXP. For the development of the individual, the department and the entire organization.

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Get started!

See Knowledge Mobility in action — with our LXP

The Haufe Akademie Learning Experience Platform gets your business knowledge moving. It combines knowledge and learning — so that your know-how grows, your organization can react flexibly to dynamic developments and you can make full use of knowledge as a success factor.

Gather the knowledge of your company and your employees in one place. Sharing your own and newly discovered know-how and finding relevant knowledge — this is how the exchange of knowledge and the joint and collaborative development of corporate knowledge become a matter of course.

Take your value-added know-how into your hands. Bring knowledge, learning, and growth together Create suitable structures so that your company knowledge also gets moving. Our LXP is your strong and reliable partner on the path to knowledge mobility.

See LXP in action

Get advice

Anne Müller, Lena Kaster
and their team will be happy to advise you