For human developers

Learning Agility

Fostering future-oriented skills

Did you know?

This is how difficult it is for companies to find the right talents


of companies have problems finding qualified talent. The trend is rising.

(Man Power Group: Global Talent Shortage)


of employees should develop collaboration skills in 5 years

(Donors' Association: Future Skills Requirements)


of companies are planning to invest in upkilling and reskilling their workforce.

(Man Power Group: Global Talent Shortage)

Status Quo

Lifelong learning — here to stay!

Change, complexity and technological progress create new challenges every day. Employees must keep pace with changes and are in a process of continuous development.

The challenge: Traditional training measures help — but only to a limited extent. Continuously developing in depth and breadth and diversifying skills and perspectives — that is true learning agility — and that is what LXP stands for.

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Identify existing potentials

The talent you are looking for for your company is usually already there. Specialized experts, broad-minded people, innovative minds — employees who are connected to the company and deserve to grow with it. Give them the space they need to do so and unleash existing potential.


Demanding and promoting

Prescribed training measures for everyone? Only rarely crowned with resounding success. Everyone learns differently, everyone has different previous knowledge and the motives for their own development are different. Provide your employees with a framework and (technological) infrastructure that adapts to individual needs and promotes self-directed learning and work.


Learn with and from conviction

How can you inspire your employees to develop in the long term? The magic word is “relevance.” Flexible content and formats, adapted to personal needs and preferences as well as successful experiences when solving ad hoc problems or medium-term tasks. This motivates continuous learning.

Agile and collaborative

LXP unleashes potential and promotes new skills

Learning agility: re- and upskilling here and now

The introverted product manager who needs support for a confident appearance and motivating presentation? The project manager with every trick in the book — a generalist who identifies gaps in expertise for herself? Or the young talent who, as a potential future manager, wants to work specifically on their own strengths? As different as the people in your company are, the learning experiences must also be different. Smart technologies that perfectly showcase the wide range of learning resources and collaboration opportunities support people in their individuality.

The solution

With our LXP, you give continuous, personal development in your company a home. A framework in which you develop and expand your own learning culture. And a place that promotes the self-directed development of future skills. From now on.

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Get started!

See Learning Agility in action — with our LXP

The Haufe Akademie Learning Experience Platform is THE place to train important skills for the future. It is the heart of your learning ecosystem and the gateway to all learning and knowledge offerings in the company.

Well-thought-out features support both sides: learners and L&D managers. With the platform, learners have the necessary tools to take charge of their personal development and build up the necessary future skills — and to support each other. Statistics and reports provide stakeholders with relevant data to track the progress of your learners.

Give learning a home! Bring all offers to one place, enable them to exchange ideas with each other and provide your employees with important impulses and the necessary orientation for very personal learning trips. Our LXP is the perfect technology for learning agility.

See LXP in action

Get advice

Anne Müller, Lena Kaster
and their team will be happy to advise you