Sales & Service Excellence

Did you know?

With a tailor-made induction plan, a functioning sales enablement has noticeable added value for your company

Increase in cross-sells and upsells.
Sales increase within the first month of program implementation.
shorter training period for new sales employees.
Save time on administrative tasks and preparation.
Your challenge

Is your challenge to provide all relevant product information for service and sales?

Your sales team constantly needs up-to-date information. Whether in customer service, in the field or on the sales floor: You need reliable answers to customer questions. You must present your products and services with confidence. And you must be able to identify and generate attractive (cross) sales.

The key to success lies in a combination of:
Consistent messages
Current knowledge
Strong processes
Efficient processes
But how can these capabilities be built up sustainably and always kept up to date?
Our solution

Service and sales enablement with LXP

With our Learning Experience Platform (LXP), you create a central access point for all relevant information and learning content. It offers the ideal environment to specifically build up classic sales and soft skills, share best practices and provide up-to-date expertise on new products and services. Because the platform is easy to use, your teams can access this content anytime, anywhere, regardless of their location or technical equipment.

Our solution: service and sales enablement with LXP

LXP as a single point of entry for sales & service excellence

The LXP acts as a central location where all learning content and resources are bundled. Here, your employees will not only find sales and service knowledge, but also valuable training and best practices. The Content Studio makes it possible to create and share content such as videos, texts, audios and interactive formats. This diversity ensures that every employee finds the right learning method for them.

An insight into the features of LXP

Usability & user experience

Personalization through an intelligent recommender: Learning in a nutshell

Our platform also offers a high level of personalization through the integration of an intelligent recommender, which provides users with individual learning suggestions based on their previous activity and interests. This ensures that every employee receives exactly the learning content that is most relevant to their development and current requirements.

This personalization creates a dynamic learning environment that not only meets current knowledge needs, but also aims to prepare your teams for future challenges.
Groups & collaborative learning

Efficient problem solving through collaboration

In our group and collaboration features, your teams can interact with each other, learn from each other, and connect across departments. Collaborative editing of user-generated content and sharing best practices increases problem-solving expertise and accelerates decision-making. Employees can work together in real time, complete complex tasks and rely on the expertise of their colleagues.

This collaborative learning environment not only strengthens professional skills, but also promotes social networking within the organization.
Usability & user experience

High user orientation through personalization functions: Design individual learning paths

By being able to create a personal profile and follow topics, your employees can prioritize learning content and knowledge specifically according to their needs. Employees can share their expertise and connect more easily, resulting in a more productive exchange of knowledge.
Groups & collaborative learning

Commitment and motivation through active exchange of knowledge

The group function not only promotes collaboration, but also increases the commitment and motivation of your employees. By actively participating in the learning process, learners feel more involved in the company's success. Learning together in groups also promotes social networking within the organization, which has a positive influence on work culture.

More features

Content Studio
Collections: Easy organization and curation of knowledge modules
Content Studio
User-generated content: video, audio, text,...
All features of LXP

Scalable solution for global use

Regardless of whether your employees work in the office, on the sales floor, in the field or with external partners — our LXP is available anytime, anywhere. With over 40 languages available and the ability to create custom onboarding and learning paths, you can ensure that learning is tailored to everyone's needs. This flexibility helps you to optimize knowledge transfer across geographical and language barriers and thus ensure the global competitiveness of your organization.


Mit der Learning Experience Plattform schaffen Sie eine flexible, skalierbare und zukunftssichere Lösung für Ihre Sales- und Service-Teams. Sie unterstützen nicht nur den Wissensaufbau, sondern fördern auch die soziale Vernetzung und das Engagement Ihrer Mitarbeitenden – und stellen gleichzeitig sicher, dass Ihr Unternehmen immer einen Schritt voraus ist.
More about LXP
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