
Sustainability Management for SMEs

Implementing CSRD, ESG, LkSG pragmatically, practically and sucessfully

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face challenges in implementing sustainability management. Legal requirements such as CSRD and LkSG as well as customer requirements require concrete action. This seminar offers practical tips for efficient sustainability management despite limited resources. Gain orientation in sustainability management for SMEs, learn to use synergies from ISO management systems and process management, learn how to prepare the sustainability report competently.


​​Corporate sustainability – what is it, what is it not 

  • ​Definition of sustainability and sustainability management. 
  • ​Basic terms and concepts. 
  • ​Models of sustainability – a picture says more than 1000 words. 

Insight into management systems for sustainability – even for experts 

  • ​Why actually manage "systematically"? 
  • ​The simplest management system in the world. 
  • ​Plan – do – check – act. 
  • ​Process management – integrating sustainability in the DNA of the company.
  • ​Roles and responsibilities – Who takes care of what? 

Framework conditions for corporate sustainability 

  • ​The world out there – the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 
  • ​The EU Green Deal and the connections to: 
    • ​Climate neutrality and CO2.  
    • ​EU-Taxonomy.
    • ​CSRD & Sustainability Reporting.  
    • ​ESG-Criteria  and Sustainable Finance.  
    • ​Other Frameworks.
  • ​German and International Laws:  
    • ​Supply Chain Due Dilligence  (LKsG).  
    • ​Whistleblower Protection (HinSchG).  
    • ​Current legal developmens – with a view to the world.  

​Integration of the sustainability management system 

  • ​P-D-C-A as the Basis for Sustainability Management.  
  • ​Integrating sustainability in processes.
  • ​Building on ISO-Management-Systems – with or without certification.  
  • ​Options für sustainability-related certification.
  • ​From a process viewpoint: Tools and techniques for sustainability management:  
    • ​The Sustainable Development Goals of the UN – SDGs.  
    • ​The Product Life Cycle (LCA – including environmental and social topics).  
    • ​Stakeholder-Analysis.  
    • ​Opportunity & Risk-Analysis.  
    • ​Materiality Analysis.  
    • ​Sustainability Strategy and Goals.

​Do good and talk about it – the path to a sustainability report 

  • ​Reporting frameworks (CSRD – ESRS, GRI, UN Global Compact).  
  • ​The path to the sustainabiltiy report.  
  • ​Using sustainability ratings (Ecovadis, NQC/SAQ, CDP, etc.).​ 

Online Learning Platform

Once you have registered, you will be able to access your online learning platform, including extra materials for consolidating what you have learned.


  • You know the background and requirements for corporate sustainability in the context of SMEs.
  • You know what possibilities and opportunities sustainability provides for SMEs and know how to use them for your organization.
  • You can design, implement and continuously improve a suitable management system for sustainability.
  • You will be able to coordinate the preparation of the sustainability report.
  • You are familiar with the most important tools to implement the topic of sustainability step by step.


Information and theory inputs, group work, case study work, discussion and exchange.

Depending on the trainer, the following tool can be used in the event:

Who should attend

Experts and managers in SMEs, sustainability officers, owners and managers of SMEs, management system representatives, quality managers, environmental managers.

Open Badges - Show what you can do digitally too.

Open Badges are recognised, digital certificates of participation. These verifiable credentials are the current standard for integration in career networks such as LinkedIn. With them, you digitally demonstrate the competences you possess. After successful completion, you will receive an Open Badge from us.

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Joint online training
Booking number
€ 1.840,- plus VAT
3 days
2 Events

Auch als deutschsprachiges Training buchbar:
Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement für KMU

To this product
Exclusively for your employees
Pricing upon request
  • Demand-oriented adaptations possible
  • On-site or live online for multiple employees
  • Save time and travelling expenses
3 days
In-person or Online

Auch als deutschsprachiges Training buchbar:
Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement für KMU

To this product

Start dates and details

  Select time period
0 events
Booking number: 36526
€ 1.840,- excl. VAT
€ 2.189,60 incl. VAT
Technical notes
We use various software to conduct our online events.
Days & Times
3 days

Monday, 11.11.2024

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Tuesday, 12.11.2024

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Wednesday, 13.11.2024

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Booking number: 36526
€ 1.840,- excl. VAT
€ 2.189,60 incl. VAT
Technical notes
We use various software to conduct our online events.
Days & Times
3 days

Monday, 11.08.2025

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Tuesday, 12.08.2025

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Wednesday, 13.08.2025

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Sufficient places are still free.
Don´t wait too long to book.
Fully booked.
Booking number: 36526
€ 1.840,- excl. VAT
€ 2.189,60 incl. VAT
3 days
Booking number: 36526
€ 1.840,- excl. VAT
€ 2.189,60 incl. VAT
3 days
Book later
You are welcome to make a non-binding advance reservation.
No suitable date?
You are welcome to be notified by e-mail as soon as new dates are released.
Also bookable as in-house training
demand-oriented adaptations possible
on-site or live online for multiple employees
save time and travelling expenses
Please note: We use third-party tools for selected events. Personal data of the participant will be passed on to them for the implementation of the training offer. You can find more information in our privacy policy.
In the event that Miro is used, you may voluntarily register with Miro for enhanced functionality and thus an optimal learning experience. Information on data processing can be found in the Miro privacy policy.
In the event that ChatGPT is used, please refer to OpenAI's privacy policy.

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2.300 Weiterbildungen
510.300 Lerner:innen pro Jahr
Über 95% positive Bewertungen
Über 2.000 Trainer:innen und Coach:innen
14.200 durchgeführte Trainings pro Jahr
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Do you have any questions?

Stephanie Göpfert

Head of Customer Service

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Questions & Answers

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