VMware / VMware vSphere
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VMware vSphere: Troubleshooting (V8)

5 Tage
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€ 3.690,–
zzgl. MwSt.
€ 4.391,10
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1 Event
€ 3.690,–
zzgl. MwSt.
€ 4.391,10
inkl. MwSt.
1 Event
Werde zertifizierter
Machine Lerning Engineer
Dieser Kurs ist Bestandteil der zertifizierten Master Class "Machine Learning Engineer". Bei Buchung der gesamten Master Class sparst du über 15 Prozent im Vergleich zur Buchung dieses einzelnen Moduls.
Zur Master Class
Inhouse Training
Firmeninterne Weiterbildung nur für eure Mitarbeiter:innen - exklusiv und wirkungsvoll.
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In this course, you will expand your knowledge and skills in using the command-line interface, VMware vSphere® Client™, log files, and other tools for problem analysis and resolution.

1. Course Introduction

  • Introductions and course logistics
  • Course objectives


2. Introduction to Troubleshooting

  • Define the scope of troubleshooting
  • Use a structured approach to solve configuration and operational problems
  • Apply troubleshooting methodology to diagnose faults and make troubleshooting efficient


3. Troubleshooting Tools

  • Identify the utilities and tools used to run commands
  • Identify how to access the vSphere ESXi shell
  • Run commands to view, configure, and manage vSphere components
  • Use Standalone ESXCLI for troubleshooting
  • Run ESXCLI commands from the Standalone ESXCLI tool
  • Use Data Center CLI commands for troubleshooting
  • Run commands to view, configure, and manage your vSphere components
  • Identify the best tool to use for CLI troubleshooting
  • Locate important log files
  • Identify how to use log files in troubleshooting
  • Describe the benefits and capabilities of VMware Skyline™
  • Explain how VMware Skyline works at a high-level
  • Identify the types of health information provided by Skyline™ Health
  • Identify uses for VMware Skyline™ Advisor
  • Describe the support bundle REST API
  • Use the support bundle REST API


4. Troubleshooting Virtual Networking

  • Analyze and troubleshoot standard switch problems
  • Analyze and troubleshoot virtual machine connectivity problems
  • Analyze and troubleshoot management network problems
  • Analyze and troubleshoot distributed switch problems


5. Troubleshooting Storage

  • Recognize components in the vSphere storage architecture
  • Identify the possible causes of problems in the various types of datastores
  • Analyze the common storage connectivity and configuration problems and discuss the possible causes
  • Resolve the storage connectivity problems, correct misconfigurations, and restore LUN visibility
  • Analyze log file entries to identify the root cause of storage problems
  • Use ESXi and Linux commands to troubleshoot storage problems
  • Investigate ESXi storage issues
  • Troubleshoot virtual machine snapshots
  • Troubleshoot storage performance problems
  • Recognize how multipathing works
  • Identify the common causes of missing paths
  • Resolve the missing path problems between hosts and storage devices

6. Troubleshooting vSphere Clusters

  • Identify and troubleshoot potential vSphere HA problems
  • Analyze and solve vSphere potential vMotion problems
  • Diagnose and troubleshoot potential vSphere DRS problems


7. Troubleshooting Virtual Machines

  • Describe virtual machine files
  • Identify, analyze, and solve virtual machine snapshot problems
  • Discuss virtual machine files and disk content IDs
  • Troubleshoot virtual machine power-on problems
  • Identify possible causes and troubleshoot virtual machine connection state problems
  • Diagnose and recover from VMware Tools™ installation failures


8. Troubleshooting vCenter Server and ESXi

  • Analyze and resolve vCenter service problems
  • Diagnose and troubleshoot vCenter database problems
  • Use vCenter appliance shell and the Bash shell to identify and solve problems
  • Identify and troubleshoot ESXi host problems
  • Describing troubleshooting principles and procedures
  • Using the vSphere Client, command line, and log files to configure, diagnose, and resolve vSphere issues
  • Explaining key vSphere log files from a troubleshooting perspective
  • Describing the benefits and features of VMware Skyline
  • Identifying network issues by examining reported symptoms and resolving reported problems
  • Identifying storage issues by investigating reported symptoms and resolving reported problems
  • Resolving vSphere cluster troubleshooting scenarios and analyzing possible causes
  • Diagnosing common issues with VMware vSphere® High Availability (vSphere HA) and providing solutions
  • Resolving virtual machine issues, including migration problems, snapshot problems, and connectivity issues
  • Identifying issues with VMware ESXi™ hosts and VMware vCenter Server®, analyzing troubleshooting scenarios, and providing solutions
  • Resolving performance issues with vSphere components
Edvard Filistovic

This course consists of an online seminar and is led by a trainer who provides live support to the participants. Theory and practice are conveyed through live demonstrations and practical exercises. The video conferencing software Zoom is used.

Empfohlen für

This course is aimed at system architects and system administrators.

Starttermine und Details


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