Amazon Web Services / AWS Solutions Architect
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KI-generierte Illustration

Architecting on AWS

3 days
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€ 1.790,–
zzgl. MwSt.
€ 2.130,10
inkl. MwSt.
4 Events
€ 1.790,–
zzgl. MwSt.
€ 2.130,10
inkl. MwSt.
4 Events
Werde zertifizierter
Machine Lerning Engineer
Dieser Kurs ist Bestandteil der zertifizierten Master Class "Machine Learning Engineer". Bei Buchung der gesamten Master Class sparst du über 15 Prozent im Vergleich zur Buchung dieses einzelnen Moduls.
Zur Master Class
Inhouse Training
Firmeninterne Weiterbildung nur für eure Mitarbeiter:innen - exklusiv und wirkungsvoll.
In Kooperation mit
This course prepares you to become a AWS Certified Solutions Architect (Associate Level). You will learn how to optimize the use of the AWS Cloud by understanding AWS services and how these services fit into cloud-based solutions.

Architecting on AWS is for solutions architects, solution-design engineers, and developers seeking an understanding of AWS architecting. In this course, you will learn to identify services and features to build resilient, secure and highly available IT solutions on the AWS Cloud. 

Architectural solutions differ depending on industry, types of applications, and business size. AWS Authorized Instructors emphasize best practices using the AWS Well-Architected Framework, and guide you through the process of designing optimal IT solutions, based on real-life scenarios.
The modules focus on account security, networking, compute, storage, databases, monitoring, automation, containers, serverless architecture, edge services, and backup and recovery. At the end of the course, you will practice building a solution and apply what you have learned with confidence.


Day 1
Module 1: Architecting Fundamentals

  • AWS services
  • AWS infrastructure
  • AWS Well-Architected Framework
  • Hands-on lab: Explore and interact with the AWS Management Console and AWS Command Line Interface

Module 2: Account Security

  • Principals and identities
  • Security policies
  • Managing multiple accounts

Module 3: Networking 1

  • IP addressing
  • VPC fundamentals
  • VPC traffic security
  • Module 4: Compute
  • Compute services
  • EC2 instances
  • Storage for EC2 instances
  • Amazon EC2 pricing options
  • AWS Lambda
  • Hands-On Lab: Build your Amazon VPC infrastructure

Day 2
Module 5: Storage

  • Storage services
  • Amazon S3
  • Shared file systems
  • Data migration tools

Module 6: Database Services

  • Database services
  • Amazon RDS
  • Amazon DynamoDB
  • Database caching
  • Database migration tools
  • Hands-on Lab: Create a database layer in your Amazon VPC infrastructure

Module 7: Monitoring and Scaling

  • Monitoring
  • Alarms and events
  • Load balancing
  • Auto scaling
  • Hands-on Lab: Configure high availability in your Amazon VPC

Module 8: Automation

  • AWS CloudFormation
  • Infrastructure management

Module 9: Containers

  • Microservices
  • Containers
  • Container services

Day 3
Module 10: Networking 2

  • VPC endpoints
  • VPC peering
  • Hybrid networking
  • AWS Transit Gateway

Module 11: Serverless

  • What is serverless?
  • Amazon API Gateway
  • Amazon SQS
  • Amazon SNS
  • Amazon Kinesis
  • AWS Step Functions
  • Hands-on Lab: Build a serverless architecture

Module 12: Edge Services

  • Edge fundamentals
  • Amazon Route 53
  • Amazon CloudFront
  • DDoS protection
  • AWS Outposts
  • Hands-On Lab: Configure an Amazon CloudFront distribution with an Amazon S3 origin

Module 13: Backup and Recovery

  • Disaster planning
  • AWS Backup
  • Recovery strategies
  • Hands-on Lab: Capstone lab – Build an AWS Multi-Tier architecture. Participants review the concepts and services learned in class and build a solution based on a scenario. The lab environment provides partial solutions to promote analysis and reflection. Participants deploy a highly available architecture. The instructor is available for consultation.
  • Identify AWS architecting basic practices
  • Summarize the fundamentals of account security
  • Identify strategies to build a secure virtual network that includes private and public subnets
  • Practice building a multi-tier architecture in AWS
  • Identify strategies to select the appropriate compute resources based on business use cases
  • Compare and contrast AWS storage products and services based on business scenarios
  • Compare and contrast AWS database services based on business needs
  • Identify the role of monitoring, load balancing, and auto scaling responses based on business needs
  • Identify and discuss AWS automation tools that will help you build, maintain, and evolve your infrastructure
  • Discuss hybrid networking, network peering, and gateway and routing solutions to extend and secure your infrastructure
  • Explore AWS container services for the rapid implementation of an infrastructure-agnostic, portable application environment
  • Identify the business and security benefits of AWS serverless services based on business examples
  • Discuss the ways in which AWS edge services address latency and security
  • Explore AWS backup, recovery solutions, and best practices to ensure resiliency and business continuity

This course prepares you to achieve the following official AWS Certification:

AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate.

Wafi Dahman
Henrique Alves
Vladimir Sabo

This course comes in 3 instructor-led full day sessions with the instructor supervising the participants live.

Each course consits of theory parts with live demos and practical lab exercises.

The course can be attended virtually via Zoom.

Please also refer to each course's description for specific details regarding the prerequisites and the covered topics.

Recommended for

This course is intended for the following job roles:

  • Solution Architect
  • Cyber Security

We recommend that attendees of this course have knowlege on
AWS Technical Essentials and
AWS Security Essentials.

Starttermine und Details


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The training is carried out in cooperation with an authorized training partner.
For the purpose of implementation, participant data will be transferred to the training partner and the training partner assumes responsibility for the processing of these data.
Please take note of the corresponding privacy policy.

Du hast Fragen zum Training?
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