Amazon Web Services / AWS Foundation
Die Illustrationen sind in Kooperation von Menschen und künstlicher Intelligenz entstanden. Sie zeigen eine Zukunft, in der Technologie allgegenwärtig ist, aber der Mensch im Mittelpunkt bleibt.
KI-generierte Illustration

AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials

1 day
PDF herunterladen
€ 790,–
zzgl. MwSt.
€ 940,10
inkl. MwSt.
1 Event
€ 790,–
zzgl. MwSt.
€ 940,10
inkl. MwSt.
1 Event
Werde zertifizierter
Machine Lerning Engineer
Dieser Kurs ist Bestandteil der zertifizierten Master Class "Machine Learning Engineer". Bei Buchung der gesamten Master Class sparst du über 15 Prozent im Vergleich zur Buchung dieses einzelnen Moduls.
Zur Master Class
Inhouse Training
Firmeninterne Weiterbildung nur für eure Mitarbeiter:innen - exklusiv und wirkungsvoll.
In Kooperation mit
This course prepares you to become a AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (Foundational Level). You will gain a basic understanding of the AWS Cloud, independent of specific technical roles.

This course provides a detailed overview of cloud concepts, AWS services, security, architecture, pricing, and support. It also helps you prepare for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam. This course covers the following concepts:

  • Introduction to the AWS Cloud
  • Getting Started in the Cloud
  • Building in the Cloud
  • Security
  • Pricing Models and Cloud Application Support
  • Architecture
  • Defining what the cloud is and how it works
  • Differentiating between cloud computing and deployment models
  • Describing the AWS Cloud value proposition
  • Describing the basic global infrastructure of the cloud
  • Comparing the different methods of interacting with AWS
  • Describing and differentiating between AWS service domains
  • Given a scenario, identify an appropriate solution using AWS Cloud services
  • Describing the Well-Architected Framework
  • Describing basic AWS Cloud architectural principles
  • Explaining the Shared Responsibility model
  • Describing security services with the AWS cloud
  • Defining the billing, account management, and pricing models for the AWS platform
  • Identifying future services and developments built on the cloud


This course prepares you to achieve the following official AWS Certification:

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner.

Matthias Imsand
Wafi Dahman
Vladimir Sabo
Henrique Alves

These courses come in 1 instructor-led full day sessions with the instructor supervising the participants live. 

The courses can be attended virtually via Zoom.

Please also refer to each course's description for specific details regarding the prerequisites and the covered topics.

Recommended for

This course is intended for individuals with NO prior experiance with AWS such as:

  • Sales
  • Legal
  • Marketing
  • Business analysts
  • Project managers
  • AWS Academy students
  • Other IT-related professionals

We recommend that attendees of this course have a general IT technical and business knowledge.

Starttermine und Details


Learning form

Plätze frei
Durchführung gesichert
Plätze frei
Durchführung gesichert

The training is carried out in cooperation with an authorized training partner.
For the purpose of implementation, participant data will be transferred to the training partner and the training partner assumes responsibility for the processing of these data.
Please take note of the corresponding privacy policy.

Du hast Fragen zum Training?
Ruf uns an unter +49 761 595 33900 oder schreib uns auf service@haufe-akademie.de oder nutze das Kontaktformular.