Amazon Web Services / AWS Machine Learning & AI
Die Illustrationen sind in Kooperation von Menschen und künstlicher Intelligenz entstanden. Sie zeigen eine Zukunft, in der Technologie allgegenwärtig ist, aber der Mensch im Mittelpunkt bleibt.
KI-generierte Illustration

Practical Data Science with Amazon SageMaker

1 Tag
€ 730,–
zzgl. MwSt.
€ 868,70
inkl. MwSt.
3 Events
€ 730,–
zzgl. MwSt.
€ 868,70
inkl. MwSt.
3 Events
Werde zertifizierter
Machine Lerning Engineer
Dieser Kurs ist Bestandteil der zertifizierten Master Class "Machine Learning Engineer". Bei Buchung der gesamten Master Class sparst du über 15 Prozent im Vergleich zur Buchung dieses einzelnen Moduls.
Zur Master Class
Inhouse Training
Firmeninterne Weiterbildung nur für eure Mitarbeiter:innen - exklusiv und wirkungsvoll.
In Kooperation mit
Learn about a day in the life of a data scientist from an experienced AWS instructor.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) are becoming mainstream. In this course, you will spend a day in the life of a data scientist so that you can collaborate efficiently with data scientists and build applications that integrate with ML. You will learn the basic process data scientists use to develop ML solutions on Amazon Web Services (AWS) with Amazon SageMaker. You will experience the steps to build, train, and deploy an ML model through instructor-led demonstrations and labs.


1. Introduction to Machine Learning

  • Benefits of machine learning (ML)
  • Types of ML approaches
  • Framing the business problem
  • Prediction quality
  • Processes, roles, and responsibilities for ML projects


2. Preparing a Dataset

  • Data analysis and preparation
  • Data preparation tools
  • Demonstration: Review Amazon SageMaker Studio and Notebooks
  • Hands-On Lab: Data Preparation with SageMaker Data Wrangler


3. Training a Model

  • Steps to train a model
  • Choose an algorithm
  • Train the model in Amazon SageMaker
  • Hands-On Lab: Training a Model with Amazon SageMaker
  • Amazon CodeWhisperer
  • Demonstration: Amazon CodeWhisperer in SageMaker Studio Notebooks


4. Evaluating and Tuning a Model

  • Model evaluation
  • Model tuning and hyperparameter optimization
  • Hands-On Lab: Model Tuning and Hyperparameter Optimization with Amazon SageMaker


5. Deploying a Model

  • Model deployment
  • Hands-On Lab: Deploy a Model to a Real-Time Endpoint and Generate a Prediction


6. Operational Challenges

  • Responsible ML
  • ML team and MLOps
  • Automation
  • Monitoring
  • Updating models (model testing and deployment)


7. Other Model-Building Tools

  • Different tools for different skills and business needs
  • No-code ML with Amazon SageMaker Canvas
  • Demonstration: Overview of Amazon SageMaker Canvas
  • Amazon SageMaker Studio Lab
  • Demonstration: Overview of SageMaker Studio Lab
  • (Optional) Hands-On Lab: Integrating a Web Application with an Amazon SageMaker Model Endpoint
  • Component of the following courses
  • Practical Data Science with Amazon SageMaker – Intensive Training
  • Discussing the benefits of different types of machine learning for solving business problems
  • Describing the typical processes, roles, and responsibilities on a team that builds and deploys ML systems
  • Explaining how data scientists use AWS tools and ML to solve a common business problem
  • Summarizing the steps a data scientist takes to prepare data
  • Summarizing the steps a data scientist takes to train ML models
  • Summarizing the steps a data scientist takes to evaluate and tune ML models
  • Summarizing the steps to deploy a model to an endpoint and generate predictions
  • Describing the challenges for operationalizing ML models
  • Matching AWS tools with their ML function
Vladimir Sabo

This course allows you to test new skills and apply knowledge to your working environment through a variety of practical exercises.

Who should attend

This course is aimed at data science practitioners, machine learning practitioners, application developers and DevOps engineers as well as systems architects.

Starttermine und Details


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The training is carried out in cooperation with an authorized training partner. For the purpose of implementation, participant data will be transferred to the training partner and the training partner assumes responsibility for the processing of these data. Please take note of the corresponding privacy police.

Du hast Fragen zum Training?
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