Amazon Web Services / AWS Developer
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KI-generierte Illustration

Build Modern Applications with AWS NoSQL Databases

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€ 790,–
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€ 940,10
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1 Event
€ 790,–
zzgl. MwSt.
€ 940,10
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1 Event
Werde zertifizierter
Machine Lerning Engineer
Dieser Kurs ist Bestandteil der zertifizierten Master Class "Machine Learning Engineer". Bei Buchung der gesamten Master Class sparst du über 15 Prozent im Vergleich zur Buchung dieses einzelnen Moduls.
Zur Master Class
Inhouse Training
Firmeninterne Weiterbildung nur für eure Mitarbeiter:innen - exklusiv und wirkungsvoll.
In Kooperation mit
Do you need to deploy applications with consistent, high performance and virtually unlimited throughput and storage? Learn in this course how to build modern applications with NoSQL databases specifically designed for AWS.

An AWS expert will help you understand how to build applications with complex data characteristics and millisecond-level performance requirements for your databases. You will learn how to use purpose-built databases to create typical modern applications with different access patterns and real-time scaling requirements. Through a series of presentations, guided tours, group discussions, and hands-on exercises, you will get to know the advanced features of Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility), and Amazon ElastiCache for Redis.

1. Analyzing Use Cases for NoSQL Databases

  • Business overview
  • Overview of workload solutions
  • AWS NoSQL database portfolio
  • Design decisions for a modern application

2. Advanced Amazon DynamoDB Concepts

  • Reviewing business workloads for Amazon DynamoDB
  • Analyzing access patterns and key design
  • Creating the data model
  • Designing for performance
  • Designing event-driven architectures with DynamoDB Streams
  • Guided tour: Designing tables with NoSQL Workbench for DynamoDB
  • Guided tour: Using DynamoDB Streams with AWS Lambda
  • Hands-on lab: Implementing fleet and travel data management with Amazon DynamoDB
  • Tables, indexes, and change streams

3. Advanced Amazon DocumentDB Concepts

  • Reviewing business workloads for Amazon DocumentDB
  • Analyzing access patterns
  • Creating the data model
  • Designing for performance
  • Using the Amazon DocumentDB Aggregation Framework
  • Designing an event-driven architecture with Amazon DocumentDB
  • Guided tour: Designing documents and collections
  • Guided tour: Aggregation Framework
  • Guided tour: Using Amazon DocumentDB Change Streams with AWS Lambda
  • Hands-on lab: Implementing and optimizing user profile data management workloads on Amazon DocumentDB

4. Advanced Amazon ElastiCache for Redis Concepts

  • Reviewing business workloads for Amazon ElastiCache for Redis
  • Analyzing access patterns
  • Creating the data model
  • Using optimal data structures for the workload
  • Guided tour: Using Amazon ElastiCache for Redis for geospatial queries
  • Guided tour: Using Amazon ElastiCache for Redis to natively store and access JSON data
  • Guided tour: Using Amazon ElastiCache for Redis with leaderboards
  • Hands-on lab: Implementing geographic bike searches, user profile caching, and leaderboards with Amazon ElastiCache for Redis
  • Creating modern applications for the cloud with NoSQL databases specifically designed for AWS
  • Illustrating solutions with purpose-built databases for processing key-value, document, and in-memory data categories
  • Analyzing business use cases and applying advanced features of Amazon DynamoDB to implement a scalable solution
  • Implementing event-driven architectures with change streams and AWS Lambda
  • Building solutions faster with Amazon CodeWhisperer
Vladimir Sabo

This course consists of an online seminar and is led by a trainer who provides live support to the participants. Theory and practice are conveyed through live demonstrations and practical exercises. The video conferencing software Zoom is used.

Empfohlen für

This course is for:

  • Database Developers
  • Solution Architects
  • Database Engineers

We recommend familiarity with:

  • Cloud computing concepts
  • Data modeling for relational or NoSQL databases
  • AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway database services
  • Python scripting

We recommend work experience with:

  • Amazon DynamoDB table design
  • Amazon DocumentDB table design
  • ElastiCache for Redis
Starttermine und Details


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