VMware / VMware Cloud Foundation
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KI-generierte Illustration

VMware HCX: Deploy, Configure, Manage

3 Tage
€ 2.190,–
zzgl. MwSt.
€ 2.606,10
inkl. MwSt.
1 Event
€ 2.190,–
zzgl. MwSt.
€ 2.606,10
inkl. MwSt.
1 Event
Inhouse Training
Firmeninterne Weiterbildung nur für eure Mitarbeiter:innen - exklusiv und wirkungsvoll.
In Kooperation mit
In this course, you will learn how to deploy the various architecture components of HCX and perform the tasks necessary for migration and load balancing in data centers and clouds.

1. Introduction to VMware HCX

  • Describe the workload mobility challenges that VMware HCX addresses
  • Recognize uses cases for VMware HCX
  • Describe the VMware HCX uses cases related to application migration, upgrades or re-platforms, workload rebalancing, and business continuity and protection.

2. HCX Architecture

  • Describe the HCX management plane and data plane components
  • Distinguish between the types of HCX Manager deployments
  • Explain the role of HCX Cloud and HCX Connector
  • Describe site-pairing at the management plane level
  • Describe the services provided by HCX
  • Recognize the HCX appliances deployed to support each HCX service
  • Explain HCX Service Mesh and its benefits

3. HCX Deployment

  • Identify the type of environments that can be interconnected in HCX
  • Explain the different deployment topologies for HCX
  • Deploy HCX Cloud on SDDC and on the public cloud
  • Deploy HCX Connector on-premises
  • Establish site pairing between the source and destination sites
  • Troubleshoot common HCX Manager deployment and site pairing problems

4. Service Mesh Deployment

  • Use network and compute profiles to deploy the HCX Service Mesh
  • Recognize different types of Service Mesh topologies
  • Identify and troubleshoot common issues with Service Mesh deployments

5. HCX+

  • Explain the use cases and benefits of HCX+
  • Perform site onboarding and configuration on HCX+

6. HCX Network Extension

  • Explain the functionality, benefits and use cases of HCX Network Extension
  • Compare HCX Network Extension with other L2 extension solutions
  • Distinguish between HCX Network Extension topologies
  • Describe the benefits of HCX Network Extension High Availability
  • Create a network extension and validate its configuration
  • Describe the benefits of Mobility Optimized Networking (MON)
  • Configure a HCX Network Extension with MON
  • Identify and troubleshoot common issues with HCX Network Extension and MON

7. Traffic Engineering and WAN Optimization

  • Describe the benefits and used cases of Traffic Engineering and WAN Optimization
  • Configure Traffic Engineering and WAN Optimization

8. Workload Mobility

  • Identify the different phases of an HCX migration
  • Differentiate between HCX migration types and their use cases
  • Describe the workflow for HCX Cold and vMotion migrations.
  • Explain the considerations and limitations of HCX Cold and vMotion migrations
  • Perform HCX Cold and vMotion migrations
  • Describe the workflow for Bulk Migrations and Replication Assisted vMotion migrations
  • Explain the considerations and limitations of Bulk Migrations and Replication Assisted vMotion migrations
  • Perform Bulk Migrations and Replication Assisted vMotion migrations
  • Describe the workflow for HCX OS Assisted migrations
  • Explain the considerations and limitations of HCX OS Assisted migrations
  • Perform HCX OS Assisted migrations
  • Identify and troubleshoot common issues with HCX migrations

9. Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

  • Explain disaster recovery concepts and considerations
  • Use VMware HCX to implement a business continuity strategy
  • Identify and troubleshoot common issues with HCX Disaster Recovery

10. HCX Lifecycle Management

  • Backup and restore the HCX Manager
  • Upgrade HCX components
  • Describing the challenges of workload mobility that VMware HCX addresses
  • Identifying use cases for VMware HCX
  • Describing the management and data plane components of HCX
  • Describing the services provided by HCX and identifying the HCX appliances used to support each service
  • Deploying HCX Cloud and HCX Connector and configuring site pairing
  • Using network and compute profiles to deploy the HCX Service Mesh
  • Explaining the use cases and benefits of HCX+
  • Performing site onboarding and configuration on HCX+
  • Describing and configuring HCX Network Extension
  • Describing the traffic engineering and WAN optimization features of HCX
  • Differentiating between HCX migration types and their use cases
  • Applying VMware HCX to implement a business continuity strategy
  • Managing the lifecycle of VMware HCX
No items found.

This course consists of an online seminar led by a trainer who provides live support to participants. Theory and practice are taught through live demonstrations and hands-on exercises. The videoconferencing software Zoom is used for this course.

Who should attend

This course is designed for system administrators, system engineers, migration engineers, and migration architects.


Experience with disaster recovery and the fundamentals of business continuity is required.

Starttermine und Details


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The training is conducted in collaboration with an authorized training partner.


This partner collects and processes data under its own responsibility. Please review the relevant privacy policy.

Du hast Fragen zum Training?
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